Version Differences
The CD version runs much faster than the Floppy Disk version. Probably because it was released with a newer version of the SCUMM interpreter.
On the Floppy version your cursor automatically reverts back to 'walk' if you click somewhere where there is no hotspot. That also means a few of the "select item" actions that are described in this route are unnecessary on the CD version.
The CD version has an extra cutscene when you pick up Conroy Bumpus' toupee, which adds a bit over 7s.
I’m not aware of any differences in terms of speed between the different language versions.
Hotkeys (for the German version of the game ¯\ (ツ) /¯ )
- enter
Simulates a left click - with the added benefit of being able to hold it down for repeated inputs.
- tab
Simulates a right click.
- esc
Skips certain cutscenes (pressing both mouse buttons at the same time accomplishes the same thing).
- .
Skips the current line of text.
- s
Selects the "look at" cursor.
- r
Selects the "talk to" cursor.
- g
Selects the "walk to" cursor.
- b
Selects the "use" cursor.
- n
Selects the "pick up" cursor.
- i
Opens the inventory screen.
- o
Puts the currently selected item on the cursor.
- u
Inspects the item that is currently on the cursor.
- z
Selects the first item in the inventory and puts the current item in that spot.
- w
Selects the last item in the inventory and puts the current item in that spot.
- 1
Selects the next item (to the right) from the inventory and puts the current item in that spot.
- 2
Selects the previous item (to the left) from the inventory and puts the current item in that spot.
A large part of this run is planning out when and how to select items from the inventory. Sometimes it even makes sense to move things around just to be able to select them more quickly later on. Opening and closing the inventory takes a moment and you can’t move while it is open. We’re trying to do as much as possible with hotkeys and - if possible - while moving.
Sometimes closing the inventory takes about 0.7-0.8s longer than normal. If we could understand why this happens and learn how to avoid it, it could save a bit of time.
📦 Black light
📦 Money
Hold esc for the first cutscene, time the esc press for the second one
2 2 to select Max
📦 Orders
o to select orders
I aim for the center of the row of teeth above the entrance with the orders and just spam clicks to hand them in. |
Hall of Oddities
. ., screen scrolls, . esc, hold .
📦 Pass
📦 Yeti fur
📦 Hand in a bottle
Take lower route by delaying first click after entering
📦 Pecan candy
If you first click on the clerk with the candy (and skip the line of text) and then with bottle, Max will usually walk all the way up to the counter. Although if Max says his line at exactly the wrong moment, his movement will still be interrupted. |
w to select hand in bottle
Talk to Clerk: duck toilet Pecan candy
📦 Cup
Talk to Max: duck rasp
📦 Rasp
Go right
Carnival rear
📦 Lens
📦 Flashlight
Tunnel of Love
Combine flashlight and black light, turn it on
1 1 to select Max
Dougie’s place
1 1 1 to select Pecan candy
Dougie: esc at fade to black
📦 Crowbar
Carnival rear
o to select crowbar
Trixie’s trailer
LOOK at score card to save a pick-up animation
📦 Costume
2 2 to select pass
Carnival rear
o to select pass
Show it to the cone guy, . . . esc
Hold . again after the cutscene
i . i r to check the inventory
Talk to cone guy: duck box
📦 Lost & Found ticket
📦 Magnet
z u to inspect magnet
World of Fish
Hold esc while walking towards the bucket
📦 Bucket of fish
Gator Golf
📦 Golf ball-retriever
2 to select bucket of fish
Driving range
Take your time to aim (a miss is extremely costly), then rapidly hit the swing button. |
Middle of the body
Middle of the tail
Already in position
Right half of the tail
Tip of the tail
Dunk the Beast box
esc esc b esc b n, hold .
📦 Snow globe
In this case I find it easier to click both mouse buttons than to press esc. Don’t forget to switch back to 'walk' when leaving. |
1 2 to select golf ball-retriever
Ball of Twine
The tram will keep moving until it reaches its destination (at the top or bottom) while the inventory screen is opened. It will stay at the destination until you close the inventory and it always gives you a moment to get on. |
Walk up to the tram
- Inventory management
Combine golf ball-retriever and hand, pick it up LMB RMB LMB
Combine with magnet LMB
Move Max to the last spot in the inventory RMB LMB LMB, i g
Hold . when you reach the top in the tram
Talk to Psychic: ? wrench
📦 Wrench
World of Fish
o to select wrench
Click on fish sculpture and switch to 'use' with b
Click on sculpture and select Max with w
Click on sculpture, . .
esc . . esc
Ball of Twine
Max is already selected
Click on twine and switch to walk g
📦 Twine
z to select magnet
📦 Mood ring
Mystery Vortex
. . .
The colors and the correct door are set the first time you enter the door hallway. Leftmost door is always red, the one next to it orange. |
Magnet cave
esc to skip mirror entry animation
. . .
If you delay the esc press by at least a second, you get to see the colors of both doors on the right. |
Doors hallway
Lots of strategy to talk here. Someone should make a video or something… |
Souvenir shop
. . . . . .
📦 Yeti fur
Shuv-Oohl’s home
2 to select mood ring (o if you haven’t picked up the Yeti fur yet)
Cancel out of the dialog with Shuv-Oohl and use the mood ring on him
Pause text-skipping to read where Frog Rock is
Shuv-Oohl tells you about a random pair of adjacent landmarks out of 5 possible ones (5x. after he stops running). |
📦 Mole man powder
Ball of Twine
Walk up to tram
- Inventory management
Move items into the last 5 inventory slots:
mole man powder
Yeti fur
Yeti fur
Yeti fur
lens (last slot)
w to select lens
Click on Ketchup bottle in the background to walk behind the elevator

n to use cables on binoculars, . . ., b to use binoculars
The landscape looks as follows: . 🪵️ . 🌧️ . 🌲️ . 🌀️ . 🌋️ (repeat) (Picture) The starting position of your field of view is random. |
Level | Dial | 360° in: | Notes |
0 |
![]() |
∞ |
1 |
![]() |
38s |
2 |
![]() |
30s |
This is the speed you start at. |
3 |
![]() |
15s |
4 |
![]() |
8s |
To reach this speed, continuously mash the mouse button. |
If the first thing you see is a rock, immediately check that one to see if you got lucky - if not, look for the two landmarks Shuv-Oohl mentioned. Hold . while checking rocks. |
Frog Rock
4xw to select three Yeti furs and the mole man powder in order
Make Sam walk diagonally

📦 Pillow
z to select hand
📦 Book
📦 Sword
o to select sword
Dragon’s hotspot marked in yellow, red dot on the sword is the tip of the cursor:

If you prep the mouse for the dragon’s huge-but-strangely-positioned hotspot and make absolutely sure the sword is selected, you can just hold enter during the dragon’s entrance. Any other input than sword on dragon will cost a ton of time. |
📦 Key
esc, then hold .
o to select key
Only .s for the second cutscene, sadly
📦 Portrait
. . esc
Make Sam walk diagonally

6x1 to select rasp
Parking lot
. . . .
o to select rasp, give to Yeti
z to free up first slot in the inventory
Talk to Evelyn: !
📦 Brochures
z u to inspect brochures
Celebrity Vegetable Museum
1 to select portrait
Leave and come back
Talk to lady: eggplant
📦 Muir eggplant
📦 Bumpus eggplant
Make Sam walk diagonally
o to select Bumpus eggplant
📦 Toupee
esc esc .
Mt. Rushmore
z to select hand
Tar pit
. .
. esc while changing
- Inventory management
Prepare mouse position for item combination while walking over to Bungee rope
Combine hand and cup during Bungee jump: i LMB RMB LMB i
📦 Tar
Aim high at the elevator when leaving. That lady’s hotspot is tall. |
1 to select twine
Dinosaur statues
Any input interrupts the Dino’s talk. The jaw moves at random speeds with a worst case window of 0.1s to stop it. Prepare for misses! I try to use the button as far right as possible to avoid accidentally clicking on Max. |
Walk to the mammoth, use Max
📦 Fur
Click on the rope to walk there, then use Max before the screen starts scrolling
📦 Tooth
The "M" in "National Memorial" on the sign works as a cue to both use the car and click on the next destination. |
Parking lot
. . .
z to select toupee
- Inventory management
Hold . the entire time. The Yeti says a couple of lines at the end, too
Combine toupee with costume with tar with fur, then use b
. esc
z to move inventory pointer to first slot
📦 Screwdriver
z to put screwdriver into first slot
Try to leave
i b Use costume in inventory
Use freezer door (aim at the top to avoid Max’s hotspot)
Immediately hold esc
📦 Wine
Ball of Twine
Walk up to tram
- Inventory management
Move snowglobe, pillow, tooth and eggplant into the last inventory slots
The important part here is that the snowglobe is in the 4th to last spot. |
z to select screwdriver
Use screwdriver on Psychic
7x1 to select wine bottle
Mystery Vortex
- Inventory management
Hold . the entire time
Wine bottle is already selected to use on the screwdriver
Cork is selected automatically, use on snowglobe
5x2 to select snowglobe
Souvenir shop
Use vortex
Use snowglobe on vortex while inside it
If you prep the snowglobe before the animation starts, you can hold enter to start the cutscene asap. |
4xw to select items to throw into the pool
Handheld vortex last, because it has the longest cutscene after you use it and timing ends with the item use action. |
Miscellaneous notes
Item Deletion Glitch
- What?
Make an item disappear from the inventory. It’s gone from the game. Does not work on Max.
- How?
Use an item on something else that uses up the item as normal. E.g. use the key on the keyhole or give the rasp to the Yeti…
Before the action happens, switch to a different item via hotkey.
Both items will disappear. - Why?
You could use it to clear out useless items, which could make inventory management easier in certain situations. The fact that accidentally destroying the wrong item can soft-lock the game makes this very risky, though.
- When/where?
Item deletion opportunities:
Flame eater at the carnival (curiously, the item reappears in the inventory after you visit the Lost & Found ticket; also you don’t have any useless items yet)
Using the crowbar on the door to Trixie’s trailer (same problem with the item reappearing after the Lost & Found tent)
Attaching the lens to the binoculars (crashes on DOSBox, works on ScummVM)
Placing the items on Frog Rock (this would waste time due to the extra switching back and forth between items)
Using the key on the keyhole in Bumpusville
Giving the rasp to the Yeti
Giving the portrait to the lady at the vegetable museum
Throwing items into the pool at the end (well, the game is over anyway)