854x480 71.233 ger voice, eng sub 75.166 eng voice, eng sub 75.155 eng voice volume 0, eng sub 75.116 eng voice volume 0, no sub 63.333 eng skips 63.333 ger skips 59.1 ALL skips 0 3 egg, 1 fruit 2 3 egg, 2 fruit 3 1 fruit, 2 egg 5 2 fruit, 2 egg 6 1 fruit, 1 egg 8 2 fruit, 1 egg 10 3 fruit, 1 egg 12 4 fruit, 1 egg 14 5 fruit, 1 egg (2) Sure. What difference (3) We have to (2) Let's catch that air bottle, screw driver doll, air on doll, doll on bed star chart on weaver, talk to marek star chart on weaver knife, go through trophy room Marek: (1) How are we (1) How are we (2) The distress call exit click weaver room, far right teleporter hug attack room: (3) Hey, maybe I exit click cream gun teleport to core, helmet, inhibitor teleport to spacewalk attach stuff to suit on 1st spacewalk unpack and make use of Gary space chart on weaver: (4) Fine. Cozy Cluster crochet video game towel, cupcake cupcake on grandpa: (3) Split it with knife on mom talk to all maidens blue: (3) blue: (2) water on yellow, towel on yellow corset on bird, knife on dress Twyla: (2) I really like (2) Did you say exit click put on shoes (where??) Maggie: (2) What are you (2) How do you (2) Hey, can I exit click knife, climb down ladder Carol: (4) Well, I'll let knife on Carol, shoes on ladder go to tree fruit, egg, golden egg get right golden egg Harm'ny: (1) Hi! (2) Can you help (3) Hey, are you (4) Why are you (4) Thanks for the window, axe Curtis: (4) Catch ya later look at art, keep cursor on it Curtis: (4) Hey, about this (4) Aren't you bothered (4) How do you (4) I like how exit click take art Mayor: (2) Because you should (2) Hey, about your (3) It looks great exit click druids: (4) Hey, can I (3) Some more holy (3) Can I go (3) Because you guys exit click fruit on guards Alex: exit click fix death ray wood, refill sprayer, stool axe on tree: exit click bucket on tree, stool on tree perfume self, sap on mayor Mayor: (1) knife: (2) What are you (3) Who's the captain (3) Where can I (3) You're coming with air hose: random Marek: (4) Can we stop (4) Can you open exit click teleporters (close barricade) Hope: (2) Engineering department. (1) It's me. Shay. (?) Mister... (?) Huggy. (4) Please, can we not do this? (?) Purple. (?) Size 4... (?) Polka-dot. (2) My name is (2) Where is the (2) The wolf told (2) You are NOT fork hexipal puzzle, leave cereal arm out blow-up doll, cereal chase fill doll, ice cream, trophy teleporter maidens: (4) Mog Chothra, the (4) Hey, I've got hook, cause alarm get bomb, trash it, get yarn, WALK left lock door, star chart crochet: mid mid high low mid Alex: (1) So, why are (2) My ship crashed (2) How are you (2) Why'd they put (3) Do you need (1) So, what else (4) What's a superconductive exit click snake Curtis: (1) Space (1) What are you (2) What are you (2) That's so cool exit click F'ther: (3) Can you untie (2) So we can (2) Hm, sounds bad. F'ther: (3) F'ther, could you [NO SKIP] exit click Maggie: (1) I want a double exit click grandpa: (1) Do you guys exit click money on Rocky cupcake on dad guy cupcake on grandpa fruit juice guy: (2) What's that thing (1) Hey, can I exit click druids: (1) If you give (1) I'll fight you exit click robes, egg shell Twyla: (3) What were you (3) Maybe he was (3) Not getting chosen (4) Well, at least (2) Do you think robes, rad suit on Twyla flyer from mailbox Carol: (2) You seem good (?) [pick correct option] dad: (egg +3, fruit -2) (2) What's cookin'? exit click Alex: (1) So, what else (4) Can I borrow exit click snake, blueprint on mayor: (4) I think sand pencil on Carol finish hypercam mold, give Curtis F'ther: (4) Let's give that hexipal tree: (1) Don't worry. I've (1) I understand why (4) That fish up (4) Oh come on. (4) Hey, want to Say, do you know Ol' Pete the Pine Tree? Well, I hear he got in some really big trouble. It seems he was being... really knotty. Bank closed down started new branch smallest tree my hand palm tree fish, hook on Carol: (2) But please promise wire puzzle: ▽⇕ ⇔⤊ ▼◿◺ wire: (4) I don't know. exit click hexipal note down hammer pattern tickle push vel's button radio, hexipal harp pattern: ▼▽ ▽↕ ▼↕ fetch the tribe switch, hammer bang the drum push shay's button push vel's button