safe: 3621 1230 4186 0120 1029 police: 9111 0525 1138 1977 3412 lab door: 5858 7572 8640 3301 ~ v2: police-interruption during the talk-show ~ /// enter mansion - 5min wait - package arrives - 4.5m wait? - marketeer cutscene - 5m wait? Dave unlocks the door Wendy pulls gargoyle Dave gets silver key Dave gets fruit drinks, glass jar Dave gets radioactive water Dave gets can of Pepsi Wendy watches tv Wendy gets manuscript Dave gets bowl of wax fruit, paint remover [Ed goes to the kitchen 63s after you open the fridge, but only if GT is not fed yet] Dave feeds GT Dave gets 2 dimes, hamster, card key Wendy gets yellow key Wendy uses hunk-o-matic Wendy opens portrait in the attic Dave uses the telescope Wendy gets envelope Dave gets caught by Edna to get her out of her room Wendy uses typewriter with manuscript, envelope Wendy gets caught Dave gives glass jar, paint remover, card key to Wendy Wendy puts glass jar, envelope into microwave Wendy opens the grate Wendy puts manuscript into envelope Wendy gives Bernard envelope Bernard opens valve Wendy gets tools, glowing key, batteries+flashlight Bernard gets the package, stamps Bernard sends the letter Bernard gets the radio tube Wendy gives glowing key to Bernard Wendy pulls the gargoyle Bernard enters basement Bernard turns off power Wendy fixes the wire, Bernard turns power on Bernard enters dungeon and opens padlocks Wendy plays meteor mess [wait for publisher cutscene] Bernard calls the cops Dave opens the lab door Bernard walks to the doorbell Wendy gets the contract Bernard rings the doorbell Wendy gets caught ~ v2: 100% aka worst ending aka the catastrophic failure route ~ /// enter mansion - 5min wait - package arrives - 4.5m wait? - marketeer cutscene - 5m wait? Dave unlocks the door Razor pulls gargoyle Dave gets silver key Dave breaks developer Dave gets fruit drinks, glass jar Dave gets radioactive water Dave gets can of Pepsi Razor gets cassette tape Razor records music Razor watches tv Dave gets bowl of wax fruit, paint remover we juke Ed while he is coming downstairs [Ed goes to the kitchen 63s after you open the fridge, but only if GT is not fed yet] Dave feeds GT Dave gets 2 dimes, hamster, card key Razor gets yellow key Razor gets the sponge and gets buff Razor opens the portrait in the attic Dave uses the telescope Razor gets the envelope Dave gets caught by Edna to get her out of her room Razor types the address onto the envelope Razor gets caught Dave gives glass jar, paint remover, hamster to Razor Razor puts hamster, glass jar and envelope into the microwave Razor opens the grate Razor gives Michael the sponge, envelope/tape and hamster Michael gets developer, opens valve Razor gets tools, glowing key, batteries+flashlight Michael gets the package, stamps Michael sends the letter Michael gives package to Razor Razor pulls the gargoyle Michael enters basement Razor rings doorbell and gives package to Ed Michael turns off power Razor fixes the wire, Michael turns power on Michael picks up film Michael develops the film Razor plays meteor mess, walks to the mailbox Michael gives Ed the developed film and exploded hamster Dave enters the lab to get rid of PT Razor picks up the contract Razor gives GT the contract Dave gets shot by the meteor ~ v1 ~ 2nd kid rings doorbell at the beginning, turns off power, turns on power, closes valve later, rings doorbell at the end ~ solo kid glitchless v2 ~ shoo edna, get juice wax fruit, manuscript, feed green yellow key, record, get buff ?? wait for ed to go to the kitchen, steal stuff from his room cassette tape, watch tv, rusty key open painting, get caught by edna, silver key pepsi, pool/garage stuff, flashlight fix manuscript, open safe turn off power, fix wires microwave stuff type address, send mail ~ any% v2 ~ wendy skips green tentacle Michael walks into the kitchen during gts switch wendy gets yellow key, buff Dave rings bell wendy gets caught at the top of the stairs next to green pool/garage stuff (open valve when wendy is still at garage to make camera stuff simpler) wendy lets Dave into the basement wendy gets paint remover wendy fixes the wires Dave turns power back on, waits in basement for ed cutscene 1 Dave picks up package, waits outside for ed cutscene 2 wendy picks up card key, waits in ed's room for ed wendy, Michael prepare for lab ~ any% police v2 ~ Dave gets caught by edna in the kitchen we feed green tentacle bernard walks up with wendy at the beginning bernard fixes the radio and stays upstairs wendy does the normal stuff upstairs, but doesn't go into ed's room wendy gets caught in edna's room wendy does the whole pool area alone, including opening/closing the valve bernard calls the cops at just the right moment wendy fixes the wires asap wendy gets the card key once the package arrives wendy walks all the way to the lab door police arrives just after meteor mess cutscene, lab door is opened just in time ~ glitchless v2 ~ no need to go into ed's room before fixing the wires collect after fixing wires: pepsi, radioactive water, dimes, card key, quarter ~ deluxe: 100% aka worst ending aka the catastrophic failure route ~ Razor gets pepsi, juices, glass and breaks developer Razor gets cassette tape, records music, watches tv Dave gets wax fruit, paintbrush, paint remover Razor and Dave go upstairs together, feed green tentacle Dave gives fully prepared paintbrush to Razor Michael uses doorbell Razor gets yellow key, dimes, hamster, keycard Razor collects sponge, gets buff Dave gets caught by edna Razor opens the portrait in the attic, gets caught by edna silver key Razor gives sponge to Michael and opens the grate Michael gets developer, opens valve Razor gets radioactive water, tools, batteries+flashlight, glowing key Michael picks up package, opens it Michael gives package to Razor Razor gives package to ed (takes you upstairs) Razor grows the plant and uses the telescope Michael picks up film Michael develops the film Michael gets caught by edna Razor gets the envelope and gets caught Razor gives yellow key, glowing key, card key to Dave Razor types the address onto envelope Michael turns off power Razor fixes the wire, Michael turns power on Razor gets caught Razor puts hamster, glass and envelope into the microwave Razor gives Michael the exploded hamster and mail Michael sends mail Razor plays meteor mess, walks to the mailbox Michael gives ed the developed film and exploded hamster Dave enters the lab to get rid of purple Razor picks up the contract Razor gives green tentacle the contract Dave gets shot by the meteor --3 kid route-- Dave door mat/doorbell, Michael near key Wendy: paint remover W: open 2nd door in statue hall W: record + yellow key W: open Edna's door in floor 3 hallway W: hunk-o W: enter GT hallway D: push doorbell M: open kitchen door, pull gargoyle, enter basement W: get caught by Ed in GT hallway W: silver key W: give D record W: open grate W: sneak by Edna in kitchen W: tools [, close trunk !!] D: open water valve W: batteries + glowing key D: close water valve (walk for a sec) W: use batteries on flashlight W: go to wire attic M: turn off circuit breakers W: repair wires M: turn on circuit breakers, get cassette M: go to top of foyer stairs D: give record to M, go to package M: make tape D: steal package, go to doorbell W: key card W+M: meet at top of foyer stairs W: give key card to M M: open lab door locks, wait for cutscene D: push doorbell M: enter lab can pick up meteor without suit (worth?) --Deluxe Route-- key front door flashlight pepsi jar fruit drinks wax fruit brush paint remover key yellow B: radio tube B: fix radio B: get caught by edna read meteor police poster open painting keycard 2 dimes hunk-o-matic get caught by edna key silver open grate radioactive water open valve batteries glowing key toolbox close valve telescope glowing key + keycard to 3rd kid 3rd kid get caught quarter fix power call police meteor mess badge dr fred position in self-destruct cutscene? ?:??.? drowning 4:24.4 do nothing 4:25.2 just ring doorbell once 4:25.3 get the dungeon key 4:25.6 drain and refill pool 4:30.2 get caught in edna's room 4:36.2 die to radioactive steam 4:58.1 play the piano from f3 hallway to silver key: 14vs38 foyer to fruit drinks and back: 50 2nd to circuit breakers: 18.3(walk)vs14.4(caught) 2nd help with gargoyle saves 4.5 at best 5.40+10.90 6.20+03.30 \ needs 5.55+04.55 / precision // Script 101: Dr. Fred Plays Meteor Mess [0000] (2E) delay(10800); # wait 3 minutes [0004] (2E) delay(3600); # wait 1 minute [0008] (1A) Var[128] = 1; # [000C] (1A) Var[127] = 18; # [0010] (42) startScript(138); # check if there's a kid in the arcade room [0012] (1A) Var[127] = 13; # [0016] (42) startScript(138); # check if there's a kid in the statue hall [0018] (1A) Var[127] = 19; # [001C] (42) startScript(138); # check if there's a kid in edna's room [001E] (1A) Var[127] = 26; # [0022] (42) startScript(138); # check if there's a kid in ed's room [0024] (48) unless (Var[128] == 1) goto 0004; # if a kid is in any of those rooms, wait 1 more minute and check them again [002A] (4F) if (getState08(157)) { # [002F] (18) goto 0004; # if dr fred turned off the power, wait 1 more minute and check everything again [0032] (**) } # [0032] (40) cutscene(); [0033] (2D) putActorInRoom(9,18); [0036] (01) putActor(9,51,56); [003A] (11) animateActor(9,250); [003D] (72) loadRoom(18); [003F] (52) actorFollowCamera(9); [0041] (11) animateActor(9,251); [0044] (0F) if (!getState08(225)) { [0049] (58) beginOverride(); [004A] (18) goto 008B; [004D] (2E) delay(180); [0051] (36) walkActorToObject(9,201); [0055] (14) print(9,"I guess the power's out."); [006C] (AE) waitForMessage(); [006D] (2E) delay(120); [0071] (18) } else { [0074] (58) beginOverride(); [0075] (18) goto 0081; [0078] (1C) startSound(35); [007A] (07) setState08(206); [007D] (2E) delay(300); [0081] (48) if (VAR_OVERRIDE == 1) { [0087] (72) loadRoom(0); [0089] (**) } [0089] (42) startScript(102); [008B] (**) } [008B] (47) clearState08(206); [008E] (14) print(255," "); [0092] (3C) stopSound(35); [0094] (2D) putActorInRoom(9,0); [0097] (01) putActor(9,0,0); [009B] (C0) endCutscene(); [009C] (A0) stopObjectCode(); END