# TLJ *** Don't forget to max out key repeat rate! Walk right 🖐️ Nest 🖐️ Twig: 1, 1, 1 To the stream 🖐️ Scale on Branch [S] 🖐️ Funnel on Stream To the edge of the cliff 👄️ Old tree 🖐️ Diary To hallway Zack: 2, 2 [or 3, 3] Downstairs Front door Cortez: 3, 3 To the bridges To the park To the Academy Door 🖐️ Rubber glove Upstairs 🖐️ Paintbrush and palette 🖐️ Paintbrush and palette on Canvas [A] Emma: 2, 2, 2, 2 Downstairs Exit To the park To the bridges To the Cafe Door 🖐️ Candy jar To the cafe 👁️ Poster 🖐️ Ticket Exit 👁️ Gallery ticket Exit 👁️ Diary 🖐️ Timesheet Exit 🖐️ Time sheet on Stanley: 3, 1 [A] 🖐️ Bread basket Exit Exit to bridges To the subway Subway 🖐️ Gene scanner 🖐️ Buttons 🖐️ Cashcard on Lens [S] Exit Into train 👁️ Subway map Watertown Bridge (left) Door 👄️ Cortez: 1, 1, 3, 4, 2, [any] Door Subway 👁️ Subway map East Venice (top left) To the bridges To the cafe Door To the cafe 🖐️ Window 👁️ Window 🖐️ Bread on Rubber ducky [A] 🖐️ Chain 🖐️ Closet 🖐️ Toy monkey Exit To hallway Downstairs 🖐️ Matchbook 👄️ Fiona: 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 3 👁️ Corkboard 🖐️ Pink note 👁️ Pink note 🖐️ Pink note Exit 🖐️ Pink note on Fiona Upstairs 🖐️ Zack's apartment: 1, 1 Downstairs Front door 👁️ Machine 🖐️ Gold ring on Cables [A] 🖐️ Screws: →1 ←2 →2 ←1 →3 🖐️ Valve (top left) 🖐️ Wheel (bottom left) 🖐️ Clamp Exit To the bridges To the cafe 🖐️ Rubber ducky Exit to bridges To the subway Subway 👁️ Sparks 👁️ Rubber ducky 🖐️ Band-Aid(tm) Exit 👄️ Rubber ducky 🖐️ Clamp on Clothesline [A] 🖐️ Clamp on Rubby ducky 🖐️ Clamp on Key Into train 👁️ Subway map Metro Circle (center) East Gateway (right) Down the street (right) 🖐️ Trashcan 👄️ Conspicuous guy: [any?], 3, 3 🖐️ Hard candy on Ooze [4S] 🖐️ Stinky candy on Detective 🖐️ Fuse box 👁️ Toy monkey 🖐️ Eye 🖐️ Eye Exit 🖐️ Band-Aid(tm) on Work glove 🖐️ Key on Lock 🖐️ Work glove on Sparks [A] To Metro Circle 🖐️ Hat Down the street Into alley 🖐️ Fedora on Garbage bag [A] 🖐️ Toy monkey on Garbage heap [4S] 🖐️ Trashcan 🖐️ Matchbook on Trashcan [4S] Into the theater 👄️ Cortez: 2, 2 Swirling light 👄️ Priest: [any?], 5, 4, 3 Temple 👄️ Vestrum Tobias 👄️ Vestrum Tobias: 1, 1, 1, 5 Exit Stalls 👄️ Merchant: 4, 4, 4, 3, 1, 1 Marketplace City City gates Docks Ship 👄️ Sailor: 1 🖐️ Captain Nebevay's map on Captain Nebevay [A] 🖐️ Delivery list on Captain Nebevay [2A] Captain Nebevay: 6x1, 2 City City gates 👁️ Stall (left) 👄️ Instrument merchant 🖐️ Coin on Instrument merchant [S] City gates Pier 🖐️ Delivery list on Captain Nebevay [2A] City City gates City gates Marketplace Stalls 🖐️ Delivery list on Maps merchant [AS] Marketplace City Westhouse's Bungalow 👄️ Man: 1, 1, 1, 2 To the city 🖐️ Delivery list on Brian Westhouse [AS] 🖐️ Pushpin on Pocket watch Cortez: all 1s To the bridges To the cafe Door 👄️ Charlie: 3, 3 To the cafe Emma: 1 To hallway Zack: [any] Downstairs Front door To the bridges To the subway Subway Into train 👁️ Subway map Hope Street (bottom left) Cathedral Confessionals 👄️ Priest: 1, 1, 3 Exit Exit Building 87 👄️ Kid: 2, 2, 2, 3, 2, 3 Downstairs Subway 👁️ Subway map Metro West (top center) 👁️ Street sign 👁️ Roadblock 🖐️ Roadblock 🖐️ Container 👄️ Sergeant: 1, 2 👁️ Toolbox 🖐️ Toolbox 👁️ Old petition 👁️ Screen 👄️ Portly fella: all 1s 👄️ Sergeant: 1 🖐️ Union petition on Portly fella [3S] 👄️ Sergeant: 1 🖐️ Union petition on Portly fella [A] 🖐️ Right VidPhone: 2 👄️ Portly fella: 2 👄️ Thin fella 🖐️ Wires Corridor 🖐️ Wires 👁️ Shelves 👄️ Sergeant: 1 Corridor Doorway 👁️ Locker 4 👁️ Locker 1 🖐️ Switch 👄️ Stall: 4 🖐️ Locker key on Locker 1 [A] 👁️ Open locker 🖐️ Medicine 👁️ Mirror 👁️ Shard 🖐️ Shard 👁️ Note Exit 🖐️ Medicine on Minelli [2A] 👄️ Minelli: 2, 2, 2 🖐️ Monkey eye on Synthetic eye [5A] Corridor 🖐️ Minelli's eye on Retinal scanner [A] 🖐️ Cashcard on Bingo! soda machine [2S] Archives 🖐️ Control panel 🖐️ Buttons: 11 16 1 8 Exit 🖐️ Computer: 1 👁️ Erika Hughes 🖐️ DELETE 🖐️ PRINT 🖐️ MAIN: 6 🖐️ PRINT Exit 🖐️ Printout Exit To the lobby 🖐️ Screwdriver Exit (bottom) Exit Street Subway 👁️ Subway map Hope Street (bottom left) Building 87 🖐️ Computer printout on Warren [2A] Warren: 1, 2 Downstairs Subway 👁️ Subway map Newport Docks (bottom right) Construction yard Garage 👁️ Machine 🖐️ Soda can on Paint shaker [3A] Construction yard Seaport Downstairs Subway 👁️ Subway map Metro West (top center) Police station 👄️ Cop: 2, 2 🖐️ Soda can on Cop [AS] 🖐️ Mirror shard on laser fence [3A] 👁️ Blinking device 🖐️ AG control unit 🖐️ Screwdriver on AG control unit [A] Street Subway 👁️ Subway map Newport Docks Construction yard 🖐️ Garage door 🖐️ Garage door 🖐️ Garage door Garage Into the pit 👄️ Burns Flipper: 1, 1, 5 👁️ Vanguard folder 🖐️ Data cube on Burns Flipper [A] 👄️ Burns Flipper: 1, 1, 1, 1, 5 🖐️ Anti-grav control unit on Burns Flipper [A] Exit Exit Construction yard Seaport Downstairs Subway 👁️ Subway map Hope Street (bottom left) Cathedral Confessionals 👄️ Cortez Exit Exit Subway 👁️ Subway map East Venice (top left) To the bridges To the Border House The Border House Upstairs My apartment: 1, 1 Inn 👄️ Woman: all 1s 👄️ Strange creature 🖐️ Comfy chair Exit: 2 Exit To the city The City Green 🖐️ Door 👄️ candy Abnaxus: 5x1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 5, 3 Exit To the city Westhouse's Bungalow 👄️ Brian Westhouse: 1, 2, 5, 2 To the city Marketplace Temple 👄️ Vestrum Tobias: 2, 2, 2, 2, 5 Exit City The Enclave Into the Enclave Downstairs 👄️ Priest: 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 👁️ Book Exit Exit Exit To the city Pier 👄️ Captain Nebevay: 3, 3 Small pier 👄️ Old sailor: all 2s Big boat City gates City gates Marketplace Stalls 🖐️ Delivery list on Maps merchant [5A] 🖐️ Coin on Cups game [3S] 🖐️ Screwdriver on Middle cup [A] 🖐️ Middle cup 🖐️ Screwdriver on Cups handler [AS] Cups handler: 1 Marketplace City Pier Small pier 🖐️ Crow on Old sailor [A] Big boat 👄️ Captain Nebevay: 3 City City gates City gates The Road North Into forest Forest Into the forest Ben-Bandu: 1, 1, 1, 2 Into forest 👄️ Old woman: [3 or 4] 🖐️ Old woman 👄️ Old woman: 1 Into house 🖐️ Broom on Cabinet 🖐️ Small skull 🖐️ Skull on Window [A] 🖐️ Mole-man on Broken window 🖐️ Plank Doorway Banda Village 👄️ Elder Mole 👄️ Ben-Bandu's brother: 1, 1, 2 The Spirit Dig 🖐️ Bed: 1 👄️ Elder Mole: [any] 👄️ Crow To the swamp Out on bridge 🖐️ Purple flowers Up the hill Down to the plains 👁️ Bush 🖐️ Red, juicy berries 👄️ Flute 🖐️ Crow on Red, juicy berries 🖐️ Statue 🖐️ Berries on Moisturizing flower [A] 🖐️ Moisturizing cream on Petrified man Petrified man: 2, 2 Enter the mountain 🖐️ Coin on Gargoyle [5A] 👄️ Flaming hand 👄️ Flaming hand 🖐️ Coin on Gargoyle [AS] 🖐️ Pepper 🖐️ Hourglass Run up stairs Approach right door 🖐️ Door 🖐️ Hourglass Run towards left door 🖐️ Door 🖐️ Pepper on Gargoyle [5S] Exit Approach stairs Roper Klacks: 3, 3, 1 🖐️ Calculator on Roper Klacks [2A] To the tower 🖐️ Curtain 🖐️ Vial (green) 🖐️ Vial (white) 👁️ Big book 👁️ First spell Exit 🖐️ Skull 🖐️ Vial (blue) 👁️ Cauldron 🖐️ Yellow flask 🖐️ Yellow essence on Cauldron [A] 🖐️ White essence on Cauldron [2A] 🖐️ Blue essence on Cauldron [S] Exit 🖐️ Light-as-a-leaf potion on April [2S] 🖐️ Vial (red) 🖐️ Window 👄️ Flute Crow: 2 👁️ Cauldron 🖐️ Red essence on Cauldron [S] 🖐️ Red essence on Cauldron 🖐️ Blue essence on Cauldron [3A] 🖐️ White essence on Cauldron [A] 🖐️ Red essence on Cauldron [4S] 🖐️ Blue essence on Cauldron [3A] 🖐️ Green essence on Cauldron [2A] 🖐️ Yellow essence on Cauldron [3S] 🖐️ Blue essence on Cauldron [A] Exit 🖐️ Wind potion on Crow [5S] 🖐️ Crow on Window 🖐️ Bind magic potion on Crystal [2A] 🖐️ Big bang potion on Crystal [A] To Marcuria Pier 👄️ Captain Nebevay: 2, 2 🖐️ Wind potion on Captain Nebevay [2A] City City gates City gates The Journey Man Inn Into the inn 🖐️ Map of Northlands on Tun Luiec [4A] Tun Luiec: 2, 2, 2 Exit To the city Marketplace Temple To the back 👄️ Vestrum Tobias: 2, 2 Exit Exit City Pier talk to Nebevay Down below 🖐️ Sticky candy on Flour sack 🖐️ Worm Upstairs 👁️ Apple barrel 🖐️ Apple barrel To the bridge 👁️ Orb 🖐️ Worm on Apple [2A] 🖐️ Apple on Captain Nebevay [A] 👄️ Tun Luiec: 3, 1, 1, 2, 4 🖐️ Talisman of Balance on Compass [2A] 👄️ Tun Luiec: 4, 4 To the bridge 🖐️ Talisman Captain Nebevay: 3, 3 To the main deck Into the hold 🖐️ Axe 🖐️ Axe on Chest [A] Crow: 2, 2 👁️ Head 👄️ Head 🖐️ Head 👁️ Drawings 👁️ Wall 👁️ Drawings 👄️ Wall 🖐️ Wall 🖐️ Polyp on April Exit 🖐️ Shell 🖐️ Shell City 🖐️ Green stuff Exit Into breathing house 🖐️ Pushpin on April 🖐️ Blood on Glowing green stuff [A] 🖐️ Green stuff with blood on Black pearl [A] 🖐️ Golden pearl on April [A] Exit City 🖐️ Crystal 🖐️ Crystal on Merperson [A] Exit 🖐️ Seaweed 🖐️ Seaweed Cave entrance 🖐️ Crystal 🖐️ Crystal 👁️ Stone altar 🖐️ First crystal on Bottom right slot [AS] ↷ x1 🖐️ Fourth crystal on Bottom left slot [A] ↷ 2x 🖐️ Third crystal on Top right slot [A] ↷ 2x 🖐️ Second crystal on Top left slot [A] ↷ x1 🖐️ Fire ring 3x 🖐️ Bird ring 2x 🖐️ Maerum ring 2x 👁️ Drawings Exit City 👄️ Merperson: 6, 5, 1, 1 🖐️ Spear Exit To the shipwreck Into the wreck 🖐️ Harpoon on Snapjaw [A] 🖐️ Snapjaw Into the wreck 🖐️ Talisman Exit To the city Cave entrance 🖐️ Talisman of Balance on Symbol [A] 👁️ Niche 🖐️ Niche Exit City 🖐️ Snapjaw tooth on Merperson [A] 🖐️ Talisman of Balance on Merperson [A] 🖐️ Maerum stone on Merperson [A] 👄️ Merperson 👄️ Flute Crow: 4 🖐️ Rope Up the path 🖐️ Rope on Sapling [S] Hole Climb down 👁️ Rubble 🖐️ Rubble Climb up 🖐️ Rope 🖐️ Rope 👁️ Statue base 🖐️ Stone key on Triangular hole [A] ↶ x5 ("grumpy face") ↷ x6 ("radish") 🖐️ Key Exit To the beach Through arch 👁️ Big crab To the cliff 👁️ Statue foot 🖐️ Stone key on Triangular hole [AS] ↶ x3 ("arrow") ↷ x6 ("5") 🖐️ Key Exit Exit To the beach 🖐️ Crow on Jungle Volcano 👁️ Large tree To the jungle Large tree 👁️ Statue foot 🖐️ Stone key on Triangular hole [A or AS ?] ↶ x2 ("radish") ↷ x6 ("5") Exit Walk to the right Stickmen: 2, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1 👄️ Ear 👄️ Ear Q'aman: 1, 1, 1, 1 Into the jungle Quiet Giant's glade 👄️ Q'aman: 2, 2 To the cliff 👄️ Q'aman: 1, 4 🖐️ Candy wrapper on Q'aman [3A] Exit To the beach Jungle Large tree Climb the tree 👁️ Wooden crossbow Climb down 👄️ Stickman: 3, 3, 3 Into the jungle Beach Through arch To the cliff 🖐️ Fish bones 🖐️ Fishing rod Exit To the beach Jungle Large tree Climb the tree 🖐️ Fishing line on Stickman Wick [A] 👄️ Stickman Wick 🖐️ Fish bone on Rope [A] 🖐️ Rope on Lunar cannon [A] 🖐️ Lever 🖐️ Wind potion on Updraft [3A] 🖐️ Light-as-a-leaf potion on April [4A] Alatien: [any] Tunnel entrance To the castle Castle tower Castle watch: 2, 2 👄️ Young Alatien: 2, 2 👄️ Alatien child: 2, 3 Mountain path 👄️ Alatien Tunnel exit 👄️ Alatien next to updraft: 1 Tunnel entrance To the castle Castle tower Castle watch: 1, 3, 3, 3, 3 Castle tower 👄️ Alatien Teller: all 1s 🖐️ Sand 👁️ Small orifice 👄️ Sensor Large orifice 🖐️ Circular protrusion: 2, 2, 2, 2 👄️ Cloaked figure: 1, 1, 1 To the city Exit Exit Subway 👁️ Subway map East Venice To the bridges To the Border House The Border House : all 1s My apartment 👁️ Window River 🖐️ Invisibility potion on April [6A] To the bridges To the cafe 👄️ Old woman To the city The City Green 🖐️ Door Exit To the city The Enclave Into the Enclave 🖐️ Venar stone on Left hollow [A] 🖐️ Dark People's stone on Bottom hollow [A] 🖐️ Alatien stone on Top hollow [3A] 🖐️ Banda stone on Right hollow [5A] 👄️ Flute 🖐️ Crow on Stone dragon Downstairs 🖐️ Wheel 👄️ Minstrum Yerin: 3, 3 🖐️ Wheel 🖐️ Disc Exit Exit To the city 🖐️ Paintbrush and palette 🖐️ Paintbrush and palette on Canvas [A] Exit Exit Subway 👁️ Subway map Newport Docks Construction yard Garage Garage Into the pit 👄️ Burns Flipper 🖐️ Star map on Burns Flipper [3A] Exit Exit Construction yard Seaport Downstairs Subway 👁️ Subway map Metro Circle Elevators 🖐️ Elevator doors Shuttle 🖐️ Pizza box Go shopping Shuttle 👄️ Cop To the street 🖐️ Pizza box on Receptionist [A] 🖐️ Desk Jacob McAllen: 2, 2, 2, rest 1s 👁️ Computer 🖐️ Computer Exit Cortez: [any?] Into laboratory 👁️ Computer 🖐️ Computer Elevator Main elevator Shuttle station Elevator Across the bridge Subway 👁️ Subway map Newport Docks Construction yard Garage Garage Into the pit Exit Construction yard Seaport Downstairs Subway 👁️ Subway map Metro Circle Elevators 🖐️ Elevator doors Tubes 👄️ Representative: 1, 1 🖐️ Ladies' room 🖐️ Men's room 👁️ Dispenser 🖐️ Cashcard on Dispenser [S] 🖐️ Trashcan 🖐️ Coin on Grill [5A] 🖐️ Grill Passage 👁️ Screen Service duct exit #1 👁️ Camera 🖐️ Cable Hatch 👁️ Map Service duct exit #2 🖐️ Instant Heat on Coffee mug [A] (careful with time skips) Hatch 👁️ Map Service duct exit #2 🖐️ Coat 👁️ Computer 👁️ Security map 🖐️ Cell block guard 🖐️ Reposition Exit Exit Far corridor 🖐️ Lock 🖐️ MagKey on Lock [A] Exit left 🖐️ Door 👁️ Security map 🖐️ Rest area 🖐️ Reposition 🖐️ Airlock guard 🖐️ Reposition Exit Exit Far corridor Exit right To the airlock 🖐️ Red button 👁️ Panel Exit To cell block Exit left 🖐️ Door 👁️ Security map 🖐️ Rest area 🖐️ Reposition 🖐️ Cargo bay guard 🖐️ Reposition Exit Exit Left corridor To cargo bay 👁️ Computer terminal 🖐️ Computer terminal 👁️ Even more boxes (top left) 🖐️ Even more boxes Exit To security corrdor 🖐️ Door 👁️ Security map 🖐️ Rest area 🖐️ Reposition 🖐️ Airlock guard 🖐️ Reposition Exit Exit Far corridor Exit right To the airlock 🖐️ Oxygen brick on Pod [A] 🖐️ Yellow button Into the desert Towards the tower 🖐️ Bind magic potion on Talisman of Balance [3A] 🖐️ Talisman of Balance on Chaos Vortex [2A] 👁️ Far side of chasm Towards tower 🖐️ Gold ring on Daddy [2A] To the tower 👄️ Flute: 3 🖐️ Crow on Canyon 🖐️ Crow on Cone structure 🖐️ Crow on Well of Making 🖐️ Crow on Canyon 🖐️ Well of Making 🖐️ Stone disc on Well [3A] 🖐️ Hand 🖐️ Talisman of Balance on Gordon [A]